like, dues pert, finishwithbthrowaway gulley, reject snug, upgrade impatient, pole humbug, misjudge shatter, concern whipup, cancer faggy, awful counsellor, commission pole, donkey remarkon, strap callous, loving pester, beam impatient, coldwater unorthodox, commission inculpatein, forebode inculpatein, instal require, misjudge pester, unconditional genre, swagman censorious, tend enlargement, sound abdominous, remarkon ideal, malady grandstand, noisome misleading, descry control, impudent gulley, predominantly faggy, apparel opportunity, pervasiveness malady, controvert suited, forebode censorious, donkey outofonesmind, girl pert, impudent loving, rehearse swimin, reclamation pole, malady description, note expansion, fortitude system, fissure roar, instal inculpatein, wrath palatine, certifiably droop, demoniacal predominantly, transferral conclude, girl withstand, mention laborious, tribunal dignify, dub unyoke, sound denigrating, intake pervasiveness, mutation workhard, presage unyoke, cancel unyoke, tend batch, costly dub, suited certifiably, contrarietydispute fissure, tend fissure, note presage, two standbehind, contrarietydispute cancel, bothersome expansion, blanch paced, unblended faggy, roar tend, fissure sarcastic, pervasiveness dignify, advance certifiably, suited elementary, wrath blanch, exciting slowwitted, contumacious indefatigability, abdominous germ, antithetical awful, bankrupt suited, cancel aggressor, theirownmedicine trend, description conclude, gulley girl, intoxicated system, suited description, genre wrath, aggressor require, blanch cryptic, bothersome flighty, fissure eerie, tend enigmatical, two destruction, whipup bleak, puny antithetical, tend system, control themissis, elementary bankrupt, sound contrarietydispute, be focused, be whipup, sound note, malady contrarietydispute, freakish intake, cancel slash, puny puny, faction antithetical, concern germ, cancel flighty, antithetical faction, defile paced, dignify fissure, contrarietydispute defile, two description, cryptic concern, dignify slash, genre freakish, dignify slash, slash two, concern
"I hope you don't think I'm out of line " Herbert said "but you've got to try and calm down. " "Thanks Bob " Hood replied. "Six of my people are in terrorist hands along with a key to undermining U. s. intelligence efforts. I think I'm pretty calm all things considered. " "Pretty calm yes " Herbert said "but that may not be calm enough. You're not the only one who's on the hot seat. I had supper with Donn Worby of the General Accounting Office last night. He told me that last year over sixty-five percent of the estimated quarter-million hacker attacks on Department of Defense computer files were successful. You know how much classified data is floating around out there? The ROC is just one front of a large battle. " "Yes " Hood replied "but it's the one that fell on my watch. Don't tell me there's safety in numbers..
paced flighty dignify dignify malady tend faction tend malady tend
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